What are the characteristics of the LED line lights of Huaou Lighting
Amanagerofalightingcompanysaidthat"itisenoughtoilluminatetheplacewhereitneedstoberelease time:2018-09-06 The number of clicks:98 -
What are the characteristics of the LED line lights of Huaou Lighting
Theledlinelightproductisanelectricalproduct,soitisnecessarytomeetthetechnicalrequirementsrelease time:2018-08-29 The number of clicks:118 -
What kind of material is used for the lens of the led lamp of the lighting fixture
Thecolortemperatureoftheledlinelampoftheledlinelampmanufacturerreferstoheatingastandardrelease time:2018-08-29 The number of clicks:131 -
What is the role of light diffusing lens for LED line lamp brands
Inthesameenvironment,theordinarycontrollerisconnectedtotheledlinelampoftheledlinelampbrrelease time:2018-08-29 The number of clicks:114 -
How to select the line lamp of high quality led line lamp manufacturer
Theledlinelampisaflexibledecorativelampwithlowpowerconsumption,longlifeandeasybending.Gerelease time:2018-08-29 The number of clicks:117