Led line light is a kind of lamp commonly used in building and building design
Ledlinelightisahigh-techproductspeciallydesignedforbuildingsandbuildings.Itcanbecombinedwrelease time:2018-09-10 The number of clicks:123 -
Is there any way to solve the heat problem of led line lights
Atpresent,oneofthemajortechnicalproblemsofledlightingfixturesistheheatdissipationproblem.Theporelease time:2018-08-29 The number of clicks:98 -
How to deal with the seal between the glass of the led line lamp and the lamp housing
ThequalityoftheLEDlightlinesmustbethesame,noyellowlightorotherlightcolorsappear.Ifyourelease time:2018-08-29 The number of clicks:106 -
Led line lamp manufacturers talk about the waterproof performance of line lights
Generallyspeaking,theoutdoorlightinglevelofledlinelampmanufacturersgenerallyneedstoachieveIrelease time:2018-08-29 The number of clicks:92 -
How to beware of the inferior LED line lamp manufacturers outdoor lighting
Nowadays,moreLEDstriplampsaremainlyusedfor1Whigh-powerLEDtubes(eachLEDtubewillhaveahighrelease time:2018-08-29 The number of clicks:102